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Via Monte Generoso, 8
22020 Dizzasco – Como, Italy

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. Second-hand machines

Washing Treatment Plants

The process of Plastic Washing Plants begins with crushing machines.
Usually it is used wet crushing machines and washing process start inside crushing chamber. Crushing machine bring down the plastics entering into wash line into uniform size. 

After the crusher, the high-speed separator removes excessive water along with dirt. Then, plastics get into the washing tank where the  polyolefin types of plastics float, while the heavy contaminants sink to the bottom from which they are removed by an auger. Floating plastic is also removed from the pool by an auger. Another high-speed separator repeats water – dirt removal process. If contamination level of plastics high, a second pool – separator stage is placed for better cleaning. At the end of washing line, a drying process such as conical press, agglomeration or centrifuge machine is used.

Mainly, washing helps remove adhesives, residual waste left in containers, food waste and labels. It is important that these are removed and the material is as clean as possible as it affects the quality of the recyclate

Used Washing Treatment Plants - Eko Gruppo second-hand machine

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