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Eko gruppo

Eko gruppo






Via Monte Generoso, 8
22020 Dizzasco – Como, Italy

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. Second-hand machines

Shredders & Granulators

A Plastic Shredder is a machine used to cut plastic into smaller pieces for granulation. Unlike plastic granulators, shredders are designed specifically for larger plastic waste, like car bumpers, pipes, drums, and other items too big for granulators.

A Plastic Granulator instead is a machine used for breaking down plastic products for Recycling. These machines come in a variety of types for industries and workshops and the various sizes of plastic products. Most often, granulators will deal with consumer plastics like polyethylene and polypropylene as they are much easier to granulate than tougher plastics like ABS, Nylon, or PC.

Used Shredder & Granulator - Eko Gruppo second-hand machine

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