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Eko gruppo






Via Monte Generoso, 8
22020 Dizzasco – Como, Italy

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. Second-hand machines

Cast Film Extrusion Lines

The Cast film Extrusion lines are used to extrude plastic films for flexible packaging industry.
Typically, the cast film process involves the use of co-extrusion, which is a simultaneous extrusion of two or more materials from a single die to form a multi-layered film. This is because in many cases the final application of the plastic film demands a performance that cannot be achieved if the film is composed of only one material.

Co-extruded films typically contain up to seven layers; however, the use of more layers is becoming more common. The number of layers, their position in the coextrudate and their individual thickness are all variables that change depending on the particular application of the film. Such multi-layer film solutions are of enormous advantage in optimising packaging performance, functionality and cost because they combine the properties of the different components in a synergistic way.

Used Cast Film Extrusion Lines - Eko Gruppo second-hand machine

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